Potty Training

Potty training is a Significant Milestone!

There so many opinions on potty training techniques and how to get started.  With all those ideas out there – it can become confusing as to when and how to start.  The truth is, there is no ideal window or magic potty training age. We have developed a unique assessment tool to help you determine readiness, knowing that each child will be ready at different times. 

As Registered Nurses, we have done extensive research to understand the key signs that your child is ready to learn to use the potty, and developed programming based on science. 

New to Potty Training: Assessment & Consultation


Where do you even start?  As with all things parenting, searching the Internet for answers can be daunting.  That’s where I come in!

How It Works:

I will send you a health questionnaire prior to our meeting.  As a Registered Nurse, I am looking at your child’s physical health as well as cognitive development.  I will help ensure your child is ready to start this journey — which is the most important thing of all.  Starting before a child is ready, exponentially increases the risk of holding poop, constipation, and pee accidents.  I can help you skip those all too common speed bumps.

We will then go over the entire process with you during our two hour virtual consultation.  I want to set you up for success by arming you with the knowledge you need.  I will then walk you through the potty training process best suited for your family’s needs.

You will be sent our potty training eBook (over 95 pages of information on the approach best suited to your child) as well as any additional information or resources discussed during our consultation.  One follow up email is included in the package with an option to purchase additional support.


Overcoming Potty Training Challenges: Assessment and Consultation


This package is for you if:

  • You have started potty training and it feels like a disaster
  • Your child cries when you try to get them to use the potty or toilet
  • Your child continues to have accidents
  • Your child will not poop in the potty no matter what you do or say


This package includes a two-hour consultation where I will help you navigate your current challenges, and help you take the next potty training steps for your family.  It also includes one follow-up email with the option to purchase customized ongoing support.  You will feel energized and excited to circle back to your potty training journey.


Available Support Add Ons

One month of email support – $99
One email per week for four weeks

One month of email support: 2 emails per week – $149
2 emails per week for 4 weeks

Ultimate support package – $249
4 weeks of emails and 1 phone call per week