Breastfeeding Survival Kit

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way for you to feed your baby. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is easy. When preparing for your little one’s arrival, having a breastfeeding survival kit can be very helpful! These are my top recommendations when getting ready to breastfeed.

Breast Care

Nipple cream and gel packs! These have to be my top recommendations. Sore nipples are super common and a good quality nipple cream is great to soothe that tender area. Gel packs are also a great thing to have on hand. Place them in the freezer or warm them up to help with engorgement when you are feeling full or when your milk comes in. Nipple pads are also super helpful if you leak between feeds. I like the washable bamboo pads the best!

Pump and accessories

Most women will pump at some point in their breastfeeding journey. This could be for a variety of reasons including difficulty latching, supplementation, your partner feeding the baby, boost supply, or building a freezer stash. There are so many choices including hand pumps, electric single or double pumps, letdown catchers, or suction silicone pumps. Find what works for you! If you are looking to pump I would definitely suggest a hands-free pumping bra. This allows your flanges to stay put making you free to scroll social media 🙂


Breastfeeding your baby happens very frequently. Investing in a comfortable, supportive nursing bra can be very helpful. Having some comfortable tanks, shirts, or sweaters that are all nursing friendly is also great to have for those easy access nursing sessions.

For you mama!

Many hours are spent nursing your little one. It is such a beautiful time spent with your babe. Mama, we want you to be comfortable! Grab your favourite hair scrunchie, chapstick, water bottle, and some snacks, and set up a nursing corner in your babe’s room or in the living room. Make sure you have lots of pillows including a nursing pillow to make sure you and your baby are supported. Having a small stack of burp cloths or rags can also be great to wipe up any spit up or dribbles!

Breastfeeding your baby is so beautiful. If you are having any struggles reach out to your healthcare provider or your local Mama Coach and get support. You’ve got this mama!

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